Headaches From Car Collision

Headaches And Car Collision Injuries

Experiencing Headaches Following A Car Accident?

Headaches are a common occurrence following an automobile accident. Headaches might serve as a signal from your body, indicating an underlying issue. Headaches can serve as an indication for:

  • Cervical (neck) injury
  • Brain injury
  • Cerebral thrombosis
  • Whiplash

Post-traumatic headaches are frequently reported following a motor vehicle collision and can originate from various causes. Some car wreck victims who experienced headaches before a car accident may notice that their headaches have intensified or become more persistent. Some individuals may not develop a headache for several hours, days, or weeks following a car collision.

Image of Car Crash Concussion Headaches


Various Accident Factors Contribute To Your Headache

Various factors might contribute to a headache following a car accident, and consulting a chiropractic professional can assist in identifying the underlying cause and providing relief from your discomfort. In about 80% of cases, damage to the facets of the neck’s upper spinal joints is what causes chronic headaches after whiplash. Around 20% of chronic headaches can be attributed to disc damage in the upper neck.

Spinal Ligament Injury is also an injury that can cause headache pain. At Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic, we check 100% of our patients for spinal ligament damage, especially car crash victims.

Headache pain can range from mild to severe, and in certain instances, it can be so terrible that it becomes incapacitating. If you have just been in a car accident and are currently suffering from headaches, it is crucial that you promptly seek medical attention.

Our expertise lies in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals who have experienced brain damage as a result of an automobile accident. Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic offers same-day appointments, a patient-centered environment, and the expertise of chiropractic physicians who have specialized training to seek out hidden injuries that could be the cause of your headaches. Our goal is to help you achieve a speedy recovery.

Post-traumatic headaches are frequently reported following a motor vehicle collision and can originate from various causes. Some people who experience headaches before a car accident may notice that their headaches have intensified or become more persistent. Some individuals may not develop a headache for several hours, days, or weeks following a car collision. Various factors might contribute to a headache following a car accident, and consulting a medical professional can assist in identifying the underlying cause and providing relief from your discomfort.

Various Accident Factors Contribute To Your Headache.

There are numerous ways in which a passenger can sustain injuries in a car collision that lead to chronic or agonizing headaches. Certain reasons may not be readily discernible. The primary causes typically involve a direct impact or forceful blow to the cranium or the sudden and forceful movement of the head, known as whiplash. The intensity of the headache might vary significantly based on the magnitude and strength applied during the collision.

Classification and Manifestations of Car Crash Headaches

Post-Traumatic Headache: These headaches typically arise from head and neck injuries sustained in an automobile accident or other traumatic incident. Numerous factors, including pressure on the upper cervical nerve roots or the greater occipital nerve close to the base of the skull, can result in headaches after a head injury, including cervicogenic (coming from the neck), post-concussive (directly from a brain injury), muscle spasms or contractions. Typically, this kind of headache does not manifest until several days or weeks after the injury.

graphic of concussio headache classification

Post-Concussive Headache: Often known as Migraine Headaches: A concussion is a traumatic brain injury, typically resulting from a direct impact to the head or a forceful and abrupt movement. Migraine headaches that occur in conjunction with a concussion are a neurological occurrence in the brain and commonly manifest with symptoms such as nausea (sometimes accompanied by vomiting), heightened sensitivity to light, sound, specific odors, and movement. Additional symptoms of concussion encompass cognitive impairment, amnesia, disorientation, agitation, distress, despondency, insomnia, vertigo, equilibrium disturbances, and tinnitus.

Muscle contraction or spasm Headaches: One of the primary factors contributing to headaches following a car accident is injury to the head, neck, or upper back muscles. During an automobile collision, a quick impact on the neck and head can tear or injure the soft tissue, leading to muscle strain or spasms. In addition to a headache, muscular strain can result in a diminished range of motion, pain in the afflicted area, or inflammation and discoloration.

Whiplash Headaches: A whiplash headache is a frequent injury resulting from vehicular accidents characterized by a quick impact on the head and neck. The head is often forced far forward and far backward, and this jerking action can strain soft tissue. Vertigo, exhaustion, and cervical discomfort or stiffness are common side effects of whiplash headaches, which typically occur close to the occipital bone. This form of headache often does not manifest until several days or even weeks after the injury.

Fracture Headache: Intense headaches can occur as a result of a fractured skull or neck bone. The pain associated with these types of headaches is commonly located in the posterior region of the head and neck, or it can be specifically localized around the site of damage. In addition to chronic headaches, a shattered bone can also contribute to brain harm. The intensity of the symptoms is contingent upon the nature and magnitude of the bone fracture. In addition to the fracture headache, other symptoms may include nausea, cognitive impairment, impaired speech, or a rigid neck.

Occipital Neuralgia Headache (Pinched Nerve): In the event of an accident, it is possible for your cervical spine to endure compression forces, causing a disc to herniate, causing the nerves exiting the base of the skull and cervical vertebrae C1, C2 and C3 nerve roots to be pinched. The greater occipital nerve at the base of the skull is compressed and irritated. Even slight compression of any of your neck nerves causes you to feel pain, soreness, burning sensation, numbness, and tingling from the neck or base of the skull up to the back of the head. It is frequently sensitive to the point of becoming painful when touched.

Why It’s Important To Visit Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic After An Auto Accident.

Seeing a doctor is an important “next step” after being in a car accident. Even though you usually see your primary care physician for routine checkups, they can be unavailable after an accident. You should follow their recommendation and see a specialist specializing in car crash accident injury diagnosis and treatment for many good reasons.

What’s The Difference Between A Car Accident Doctor Of Chiropractic And A Regular Doctor?

When you’re hurt or sick, your regular doctor is someone you can turn to for great advice. They have extensive training in diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical issues; if they feel they need to send you to a specialist, they will gladly do so. You will probably visit your family doctor if you suspect strep throat if you hurt your ankle in a fall, or if you have a persistent headache.

After a car accident, it’s best to see a specialist specializing in treating injuries sustained in such incidents. Their expertise is treating patients with injuries sustained in automobile accidents, for which they have substantial experience.

The Car Accident injury chiropractic physicians at our Meridian Car Crash Clinic specialize in auto accidents and possess post-graduate training and experience in identifying the various injuries that can occur in such incidents. Furthermore, our car wreck accident clinic typically includes multiple medical specialists inherent in our radiological diagnostic protocols, allowing you to receive comprehensive care for your injuries without making separate appointments.

Reasons Why You Should Visit A Doctor Right Away Following An Accident

Headaches can start any time after an automobile accident, whether hours, days, or weeks later. Experiencing a headache after an accident is a common sign of further injuries. To alleviate headache discomfort and lessen the likelihood of it becoming a chronic condition, it is recommended that you consult an accident doctor who is skilled in identifying the origin of injuries.

Headache Treatment Post Auto Accident Injury

 Pain Relief Following a Vehicle Crash Has To Be Done Right From The Get-go

When it comes to headache treatment, there is no “one size fits all” solution. Our Car Accident Chiropractic Physicians will prescribe a tailored treatment strategy based on your specific headache symptoms.

Medications are typically prescribed to patients who suffer from headaches following a vehicle accident. We want you to know we are not against medications for pain relief, given the trauma that you have endured in any vehicular collision. The traumatic forces are brutal to the human system in total. However, our primary goal will be to diagnose the root cause of your pain and deliver chiropractic care, management, and treatment to alleviate that “Root Cause” of your pain and, therefore, decrease the need for pain medications and anti-inflammatory medications. As Chiropractic Physicians, we would never ask or even hint that you should not take pain medication and anti-inflammatories, but with that said, we work with medical physicians who are well aware that you are in the right place when it comes to addressing your car crash injuries, and they work with us to help determine when it is safe and a good idea to ween or discontinue your medications.

We are also very willing and able to work with your Primary Care Physician (PCP) in tandem to get you as quickly as humanly possible. As Chiropractors, we choose to work with Mother Nature as our primary protocol. We believe she knows what she is doing.

Graphic stating the three types of x-rays for concussion diagnosis


Are X-rays Needed If I Have Headaches

Diagnostic imaging is absolutely 100% critical for any healthcare physician to make an educated clinical correlation between the images and your current headache symptoms. Before we can graduate, chiropractic physicians must complete 271 hours of radiology, compared to medical education for MDs at 13 hours. Chiropractors are very comfortable with radiology diagnostics, both medically and in determining spinal dysfunction due to trauma.

Radiology-Radiology-Radiology Is Our Headache Forte

Radiology is so crucial to the diagnostic study of trauma to the spine that we apply three separate types of X-ray procedures and protocols. They are Static Standing X-rays, Standing Stress X-rays, and Digital Motion X-rays. We digitize computerized software for all of our Static Standing X-rays. We order Computerized Radiological Mensuration Analysis (CRMA) by third-party board-certified radiologists and then perform a full Digital Motion X-ray study. All of these radiological protocols are cross-referenced and coordinated with Gonstead Chiropractic spinal parameters and Chiropractic Biophysics to determine your degree of injury. Once the parameters of your injuries are documented, we then apply our proprietary Move-Now™ functional rehabilitative management and care. We leave no stone unturned regarding your and your loved one’s health because Results Matter!!

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    Accident Treatments

    Currently, Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic is the only healthcare facility in the entire state of Idaho that offers all three forms of radiological studies.

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