X-Rays Vs Digital Motion X-Ray

Car Accident Chiropractic X-Rays Vs Digital Motion X-Ray

The missing piece, why your X-rays need a dynamic upgrade. In this video, watch the epic clash between DMX and static X-ray views.

We love x-ray. We’ve used x-ray for a long time. I’m standing here in our X-ray suite. We have a very elaborate x-ray suite. We get a ton of information off of static X-ray, but static x-ray is just that. It’s standing still, it’s not moving. And there’s a whole different host of information that we get off of a digital motion x-ray or a movement X-ray. So we’re walking over into our DMX suite or digital motion X-ray unit, which is right here. Main differences between digital motion x-ray and static x-ray. There are several static x-ray primarily is something that we use to figure out is there a pathology, like is there some sort of tumor or something going on with a bone or the tissue that we’re going to see on that X-ray, is there a fracture? Is there a dislocation? Is there a reason that we should not be working on the patient?

And then from a chiropractic standpoint, once we find the problem on the patient, the x-ray tells us how to best fix it. We can measure alignment, we can look at curves, we can get an idea of the best way to adjust, the best way to do specific corrective exercises, rehab, that sort of thing. X-rays are incredibly valuable for that. The thing that X-Ray does not tell us that DMX tells us is how well a joint is moving. And if a joint is moving excessively, meaning if there’s too much movement that’s called instability, that means that that there’s ligament damage in that area. If a joint is stuck and restricted and not moving, that gives us as a chiropractor a ton of information as far as what areas we should be focusing on as far as adjusting various exercise traction, rehabilitation measures, that sort of thing.

So digital motion x-Ray is a game changer in specificity, in precision in getting us to target our care based on this valuable information that up until recently at this clinic here in Brady, Idaho, we didn’t use to have digital motion x-Ray. We worked off of plain film x-Ray, and we have a very elaborate and, and, and high-tech unit to do that so we can get crystal clear imaging. But now fortunately we can do the same thing in a, in a motion version of that as well. So we’re really excited to have both of these types of texts. They both show us different info. A lot of our patients benefit from actually getting both of these studies done depending on what’s going on with them. But there’s a massive difference between digital motion x-Ray, and plain Film X-Ray. I hope this helps explain some of the differences between these two types of imaging studies. So if you’ve suffered a neck injury, you need to schedule a consultation with us, click the button below and find out if you have a hidden spinal ligament injury

Presented by Meridian Car Accident Chiropractor, this video is devoted to serving individuals in Meridian, Idaho who have been involved in car collisions and sustained personal injuries. Idaho legislation permits motor vehicle accident victims to legally seek personal injury claims. Moreover, if you’re not responsible for the accident, your chiropractic treatments are fully covered. At Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic in Meridian, Idaho, our chiropractic specialists are highly skilled in detecting and treating injuries that are not immediately apparent following a car crash. If you or someone close to you has suffered injuries in a motor vehicle crash, we are committed to helping you reclaim your life. At Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic, we offer top-notch clinical diagnostics and treatment for car accident injuries. Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic invites those impacted by car crashes, commercial truck accidents, motorcycle collisions, and whiplash injuries to experience our expert chiropractic care at no out of pocket expense. Contact us at (208) 581-4353 to begin your path to recovery without any fees for you, your relatives, or your friends.

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