Are you suffering from a recent trauma to the neck or neck pain, migraine, headaches, headaches of any sort, maybe dizziness, vertigo, ringing in the ears, numbness, tingling into the arms, whiplash, recent herniated disc diagnosis. If so, what we’re going to cover in the next couple minutes, maybe some of the most important information that you must hear, and what I want to talk to you about in the next few minutes, I’ll keep it brief, is something called a spinal ligament injury. You see these injuries oftentimes no one hears about because no one’s looking for them. Chances are, if you’re watching this video, you want to find out more information about how these spinal ligament injuries could be impacting your health or someone that you know or care about. This information is for someone who’s maybe had an MRI or an X-ray and told, we can’t find anything, it’s all normal.
Or you’ve had an MRI or X-ray and they say you need to take medications, get injections, and possibly even have surgery. If that’s the case, you need to understand this concept of ligament laxity, hypermobility, and the structure called a spinal ligament and a spinal ligament injury. So let’s get into it. This is a model of the spine. This is the front, this is the back of the disc, bone nerve in between spinal cord down the middle. With trauma, the bones can shift out of alignment and that shift can actually cause ligaments to stretch and even tear. The most talked about ligament is the disc. That’s the one most people look for here about, and that’s the structure that’s blamed on most issues out there. But few people realize that there are nine other ligaments that attach one bone to the adjacent bone above and below, and those ligaments are responsible for stability and when they’re damaged, it’s the number one cause of pain and disability in the world today. Believe me, there’s a lot more to cover on this topic, but I want to keep this video short and sweet. So go ahead, click the link below. We have another video that goes into some more depth on how digital motion x-Ray DMX, how this phenomenal type of technology where we’re the only clinic here in the entire state of Idaho to have this in-house where this could be the thing to help you finally get to the root cause of your problem and then find a solution.
Video presentation by Meridian Idaho Car Accident Chiropractic. We dedicate our service to Meridian Idaho auto accident victims who have been in a car collision and have experienced personal injury. Idaho Law allows motor vehicle victims to pursue personal injury claims legally. And if you’re not at fault, your chiropractic healthcare is covered 100%. The Doctor of Chiropractic at Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic in Meridian, Idaho are specially trained to diagnose and treat hidden injuries following a car collision. If you or a loved one has been injured in any type of motor vehicle crash, we are here to help you get your life back on track. We provide clinical diagnostic and treatment excellence. We accept car crash victims, whiplash injury victims, commercial truck accidents, and motorcycle accident victims.
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