Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic is a healthcare clinic that will provide you with the care you need as a car crash, collision, or accident injury victim.

Our services are unique in the sense that no previous referrals are needed to be seen by our highly trained Chiropractic Physician, Dr. Todd Pickman. Through our concierge-based clinical services, we are with you every step of the way in your treatment plan. Dr. Pickman is highly trained to work with motor vehicle accident patients and identify common symptoms that may present following an auto accident.

Why Choose Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic?

We provide excellence in Motor vehicle trauma documentation and treatment, which is crucial to any possible lawsuit resulting from your car crash, collision, or accident.

We are the only healthcare clinic in Idaho that provides Digital Motion X-rays, Computerized Radiological Mensuration Analysis (CRNA), and static weight-bearing X-rays.

If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words-Then A Video is Worth A Million Words. Digital Motion X-Ray Is A Video X-Ray Of Your Injuries.

A proper diagnosis must be made by a qualified healthcare provider who understands the intricacies of the hidden injuries that occur in traumatic car crashes, collisions, and accident events while documenting these injuries with bulletproof medical-legal documentation. 

There are a multitude of symptoms that can arise following a motor vehicle accident. Back pain, neck pain, concussions, shoulder injuries, knee injuries, and spine injuries (sprains, strains, fractures) to name a few. The extent of your injury and the potential for future pain must be determined as soon as possible so that these injuries do not become chronic.

Depending on the extent of your injury, our specialists may recommend conservative treatment, such as physical therapy and/or chiropractic treatment. Or they may recommend therapy such as pain management or surgery. More often than not, our specialists will start with conservative measures and see if the patient’s quality of life can improve from that treatment alone.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a motor vehicle accident and are not at fault, Dr. Pickman recommends that you immediately move forward with Digital Motion X-rays, CRMA, and Weightbearing Stress X-rays. We cannot stress how important proper imaging is for your treatment plan.

Our proprietary three-tiered X-ray analysis will expose hidden injuries and be the foundation for the best possible treatment plan to get you back on your feet as soon as humanly possible.

Contact Us For Immediate Text & Call From Dr. Pickman

    Don’t wait! Act now! Fill out the form and receive an immediate text and a personal call from Dr. Pickman. Get the urgent attention you deserve for your serious car crash, collision, or accident. Your safety is our priority!

    When it comes to the health of you and your family, results matter most. 

    – Dr. Todd Pickman, DC
    Following your report of findings, you will understand the cause of your pain, and have a clear plan of action for acquiring relief. With our concierge clinical approach, we’re with you throughout the entire process and manage your progress from start to finish. Finding relief shouldn’t be a difficult process, lean on us, because results matter.

    Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic
    We're Here For You & Your Loved Ones

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