Experienced Motorcycle Crash Doctors

Most people’s minds automatically go to motorcycles when they think about the most entertaining vehicle ever. Just think about it: they’re quick, you look awesome, dressed to the nines in your leathers, you can swerve to avoid traffic, crank up the tunes, and soar into the sunset in Idaho.

One element that adds to the thrill is also one of the main causes of serious injuries: exposure.

Wearing a helmet and adhering to all other safety measures bears little protection from heinous injury if another driver is too preoccupied with texting or eating to see you coming.

Serious injuries can occur due to the lack of an exterior structure to absorb impact. This is why Dr. Todd Pickman, a Crash chiropractor in Meridian, Idaho, is the go-to guy for motorcycle Crash patients seeking treatment for their injuries. Injuries sustained in crashes are nothing new for Dr. Pickman; he has been doing this for over 20 years. His patient tally for vehicle Crash cases exceeds 20,000.

Dr. Pickman emphasizes the importance of comprehensive care. He collaborates with top local personal injury attorneys to ensure accurate diagnostics, proper medical documentation for the lawyer, and the absence of out-of-pocket expenses for treatment. You can rest assured that you’re in good hands.

Call Us Now!! Time is of the essence to get your injuries evaluated and repaired.  Schedule your complimentary motorcycle injury consultation and continue reading to learn about the most prevalent motorcycle crash injuries and additional information.

Image of caricature holding head with text Meridian Idaho Motorcycle Crash Chiropractors Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Although a concussion is a real possibility after a head injury in a collision, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is much more serious.

Sudden and forceful head trauma is the leading cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Riding a motorcycle puts one at danger even when wearing a helmet.

Suggested signs and symptoms are:

  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Dizziness or blurry vision
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Cognitive or physical impairments 
Image of Meridian Idaho Motorcycle Crash Chiropractors Spinal Cord Injury

 Spinal Cord Injuries

Your spine is integral to your everyday function. So, naturally, any injury that your spine sustains is dangerous.

Beyond just simple back pain, if a motorcycle rider crashes and lands on their back or neck, it can have life-altering consequences, such as:

  • Paraplegia: paralysis of the lower body, typically the legs
  • Quadriplegia: paralysis of all four limbs

Spinal cord injuries are significant. Having examined the prevalent injuries linked to motorcycle crashes, we will now explore the therapy Meridian Crash Chiropractor Dr. Todd Pickman provided in Treasure Valley, Idaho.

Graphic of Car Vs Motorcycle Crash

Motorcycle Crash Treatment

At Meridian Crash Chiropractor Dr. Todd Pickman, you receive the best treatment for your motorcycle crash injuries. You can rest assured knowing you’re in the proper hands and getting the most cutting-edge care. Important to note: If an injury arises that needs immediate attention, we have countless connections and resources to get you to the best emergency medical experts. 

It is noteworthy that 45% of motorbike Crashes lead to severe injuries. This is not intended to discourage you from engaging in something you cherish. It is essential to be aware of the facts. Consequently, let us study the most prevalent injuries linked to motorcycle crashes. 

Let’s be honest: road rash can look and feel brutal, but if road rash is all you walk away with, you should step back and high-five yourself. Maybe even buy a lottery ticket, considering your good luck.

Road rash, then? Motorcyclists often get road rash, an abrasion of the skin, from sliding their skin over rough surfaces like asphalt or concrete.

The reason this happens so often is that when a biker crashes into something, whether it’s another vehicle or something else that is stationary, your body’s momentum will keep you moving forward, which typically leads to severe injuries. 

When you’re flung off your motorcycle, the earth can be just as brutal as in the road rash scenario we presented.

Motorcycle crashes frequently result in riders suffering from fractures. Injuries can still occur if your motorbike were to crash on top of a limb, breaking a bone, even if you managed not to fly off the bike. 

Injuries to the outside body are prevalent in motorcycle crashes, but it is not uncommon for riders to suffer injuries to the inside as well, due to blunt force trauma.

Organ damage and internal bleeding might occur as a result of the severe trauma your body undergoes as a result of the crash.

Another way to harm your internal organs is to hit anything sharp with your body, which can pierce the skin and cause an injury. 

Injuries to the outside body are prevalent in motorcycle crashes, but it is not uncommon for riders to suffer injuries to the inside as well, due to blunt force trauma.

Organ damage and internal bleeding might occur as a result of the severe trauma your body undergoes as a result of the crash.

Another way to harm your internal organs is to hit anything sharp with your body, which can pierce the skin and cause an injury. 

Motorcycle Crash Treatment Chiropractic, Medical and Orthopedic

Dr. Todd Pickman will provide you with the best treatment for your motorcycle crash injuries. You can rest assured knowing you’re in the proper hands and getting the most cutting-edge care. Important to note: If an injury arises that needs immediate attention, we have countless connections and resources to get you to the best emergency medical experts.

Expert Motorcycle Crash Treatment

Meridian Crash Chiropractor, Dr. Todd Pickman is the recognized leader for diagnosing and treating motorcycle crash injuries. With over 20 years of experience, you know that when you schedule a free consultation with our chiropractic doctors, you will have the best possible motorcycle Crash care.

Advanced Treatment Solutions For Idaho Motorcycle Crash Victims

Our chiropractic doctors offer the most up-to-date and scientifically tested treatment methods. Treatment methods include Gonstead Chiropractic, computer-guided Spinal Decompression, Chiropractic Biophysics, Active Release Therapy, Electro Muscle Stimulation, and Functional Movement Screening.

Personalized Care For Motorcycle Crash Injury

Dr. Todd Pickman, your chiropractor in Meridian, does not believe in one-size-fits-all approaches. No two people or injuries are the same. Hence, we craft wholly unique therapy regimens for injured motorcyclists who visit our facilities in Meridian, Idaho.

State of the Art Diagnostics

Spinal manipulation is a great and personal component of chiropractic care for motorcycle injuries. However, our chiropractors are also equipped with sophisticated options, such as Digital Motion X-ray, which allows our doctors to uncover hidden issues and injuries. Currently, our clinic is the only clinic to offer Digital Motion X-ray in the entire state of Idaho. Digital Motion X-ray is an X-ray video in which you can clearly see which vertebrae or injured areas are functioning in comparison to the vertebrae above and below the injured area of the spine.

Dr. Pickman states, “If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million words”. The DMX is a cutting-edge technological advancement in the medico-legal fields to document spinal and other joint injuries clinically.

Motorcycle Crash Legal Assistance

More often than not, motorcycle crashes turn into personal injury cases. To make matters less stressful, our clinic:

Most Idaho motorcycle crashes require legal representation. At Dr. Pickman’s clinic, he makes the extra effort to document your injuries medically and legally.

We Always will:

  1. Provide medical documentation that meets or beats legal and courtroom requirements
  2. We only work with the best-of-the-best motorcycle attorneys, can refer your case to you, and handle all medicolegal requirements.

Our View For Your Future Following A Motorcycle Crash In Idaho

Dr. Todd Pickman states the long-term health of our biker crash victims and their loved ones should be their first concern. Our experts will spare no effort in pursuing a full recovery for motorcyclists hurt in accidents. 

Motorcycle crash image with text What Idaho Motorcycle Crash Patients Can Expect From Our Treatment

What Motorcycle Crash Patients Can Expect

Just follow these four simple steps.

Free Consultation-Schedule a Free Consultation to meet with our chiropractic Physician so we can assess your injuries.

Diagnostic Testing & Treatment-Our doctors will evaluate your injuries and construct a completely personalized treatment plan to help you make a full recovery from your motorcycle crash injuries.

Attorney Referral-Meridian Crash Chiropractor, Dr. Todd Pickman connects with numerous local Meridian, Idaho personal injury lawyers to ensure you’re legally represented with proper medical documentation.

Pain Relief- Our ultimate goal is to alleviate your pain through advanced chiropractic and medical treatment options at no out-of-pocket expense to you.  

Frequently Asked Idaho Motorcycle Crash Questions

When you first arrive at Meridian Crash Chiropractor, Dr. Todd Pickman for your Free Chiropractic Consultation, you will be asked to complete some paperwork.

Our doctors will need some background information about your medical history and conditions, along with your current motorcycle Crash symptoms and injury pain.

When did your pain begin?

What triggered your pain to start?

Were you involved in a personal injury Crash?

Did you injure yourself in some way?

Where are you experiencing your pain?

What decreases your pain?

What increases your pain?

Describe the type of pain: Dull, Sharp, Throbbing, Burning

Does the pain come in waves, or is it continuous?

Following a comprehensive medical history review, Dr. Pickman will examine the affected regions to determine your flexibility, stability, and muscle tone.

In addition, most patients need an X-ray when they first come in. To ensure your safety, we are doing this diagnostic investigation. Your doctor must know which vertebrae, discs, and joints are involved to diagnose back discomfort. This is where our Digital Motion X-ray (DMX) technology helps the most.

The next step is to develop a personal treatment and health journey to address your injuries and discomfort.

Treatment plans for musculoskeletal disorders commonly include reducing pain, improving joint function, and regaining independence and tolerance of daily activities. 

Short answer: yes. We briefly previously mentioned that spinal cord injuries are a common consequence of biker accidents, and chiropractic physicians are specialists in spinal disorders.

In addition to diagnosing your pain symptoms, our motorcycle accident health specialists will pinpoint the precise location of your injury. Remember this: if you have been in any Motorcycle crash, collision, or injury, your spine has suffered undue traumatic forces that cause injuries to the underlying soft tissue 100% of the time

Both are important, but you should contact Dr. Todd Pickman and the rest of the staff at Meridian Crash Chiropractor immediately.

Getting you back on your feet and regaining your vibrant health is our top priority for you and your loved ones. Serious injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents may necessitate rapid medical attention.

Also, poor medical documentation and improper case management ruin many personal injury cases. We pride ourselves on the medico-legal network we have built for injured patients over the past 20 years. We can put you in touch with local, highly regarded personal injury lawyers who will fight for the most compensation possible for your injuries.

Our Meridian, Idaho Chiropractors and Medical Doctors treat the following pain and injury conditions:

  • Neck Pain
  • Whiplash
  • Concussion Protocols
  • Tension Headaches/Migraines
  • Shoulder Dysfunction/Dislocation
  • Rotator Cuff Strains
  • motorcycle Crash Injuries
  • Car Accident Injuries
  • Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis
  • Tension Headaches/Migraines
  • Knee Sprains
  • Elbow Sprains
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Wrist Sprains
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Hip Pain
  • Patellar Tendinitis
  • Low Back Pain
  • TMJ
  • Sciatica

Motorcycle Crashes are already incredibly stressful. Meridian Crash Chiropractor Dr. Todd Pickman wants to avoid adding the burden of treatment costs.

At Meridian Crash Chiropractor, Dr. Todd Pickman, we evaluate all insurance options, including medical and auto insurance, to determine the most economical way to get you healthy.

For personal injury cases, we refer you to a trust PI Attorney so that you can receive treatment at no cost to you.

Unfortunately, there is no set-in-stone time frame. More often than not, motorcycle crash injuries are severe and can take months or years to recover from fully. Sadly, others will never fully recover.

Image of Dr. Pickman Idaho Motorcycle Crash Chiropractor

Don’t Procrastinate! Get The Top Motorcycle Crash Treatment

As previously indicated, when you or a great friend or family member are involved in a motorcycle crash, accident, collision, or wreck, typically, there are extremely serious and severe injuries. Receiving timely medical attention is crucial to your overall health and recovery time.

Furthermore, if you are pursuing legal action, obtaining bulletproof medical documentation immediately following a motorcycle accident will support your case and allow you to receive care at no expense.

If you need the best motorcycle crash injury treatment, fill out the form below to schedule a free consultation with Meridian Crash Chiropractor Dr. Todd Pickman or call us today. 



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