Whiplash injury caused by the trauma of a car crash, collision, or accident is the number one cause of hidden injury to your neck.

Did you know  55% of all whiplash injuries remain ten years following a car accident injury if not treated correctly?

At Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic, you can access our specialized chiropractic care without needing a prior referral. Led by Dr. Todd Pickman, our approach is personalized and thorough, guiding you through each step of your recovery process. Dr. Pickman’s extensive training enables him to pinpoint and treat the subtle symptoms often missed after vehicle accidents, especially in the Emergency Room!!

At Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic we provide unparalleled expertise in documenting and treating motor vehicle trauma. This meticulous documentation supports any legal action related to your accident, enhancing your case’s credibility and strength.

Our facility is distinct in Idaho for its comprehensive diagnostic capabilities, which include Digital Motion X-rays, Computerized Radiological Mensuration Analysis (CRNA), and static weight-bearing X-rays. These advanced diagnostic tools are crucial for uncovering the often-overlooked injuries that result from traumatic impacts. 

The array of symptoms following a motor vehicle accident can vary widely, from back and neck pain to more severe conditions like concussions and joint injuries. Immediate and accurate assessment of these injuries is critical to prevent them from progressing into chronic conditions.

Based on the severity of your injuries, Dr. Pickman may suggest various treatment strategies. While conservative approaches like chiropractic care and physical therapy are preferred, more intensive treatments such as pain management or even surgery might be necessary, depending on your recovery progress. Rest assured, we work with the best medical physicians in Idaho and will make a proper referral immediately if needed. 

If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words-Then A Video is Worth A Million Words. Digital Motion X-Ray Is A Video X-Ray Of Your Injuries.

Our advanced three-tiered X-ray analysis is pivotal in revealing hidden injuries, providing a solid foundation for a targeted treatment plan. This thorough evaluation ensures that we address all potential issues, helping you return to total health as efficiently as humanly possible.

Contact Us For Immediate Text & Call From Dr. Pickman

    Don’t wait! Act now! Fill out the form and receive an immediate text and a personal call from Dr. Pickman. Get the urgent attention you deserve for your serious car crash, collision, or accident. Your safety is our priority!

    When it comes to the health of you and your family, results matter most. 

    – Dr. Todd Pickman, DC
    Our commitment is to offer the most effective and scientifically sound medical care possible, tailored to each patient’s specific needs. YOU DO NOT NEED A MEDICAL REFERRAL TO GET THE CARE YOU NEED AT OUR CLINIC. Integrating state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging with expert chiropractic care ensures that all patients receive the optimal path to recovery.

    Meridian Car Accident Chiropractic
    We're Here For You & Your Loved Ones

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